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Greatest Senior Prank Ever? A Kid 'Rickrolled' His Entire School District

A high school senior in Illinois named Minh Duong recently pulled off the greatest "Rickroll" prank off all time. That's where you trick someone into watching Rick Astley sing "Never Gonna Give You Up". But he didn't just trick one person. As his senior prank, he managed to Rickroll his entire SCHOOL DISTRICT all at once.

District 214 is right outside Chicago and has over 11,000 students. Back in April, he hacked into their network . . . and played the video on EVERY television screen and projector at six different schools. A few kids posted about it on social media when it happened. But we're just finding out the true scale of it now, because Minh wrote a blog post about how he pulled it off.

We won't get into all the technical stuff. But he'd been planning it for several years, and recruited a handful of other students to help. They called it operation "Big Rick."

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