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STUDY: Beer Drinking Males Have Higher Sperm Count

A recent study published by researchers at the Policlinico hospital's fertility clinic in Milan, Italy, found that men who drink one beer per day produce more sperm. 

323 male patients with varying weekly alcohol intakes were tested. 30 percent reported having 1-3 drinks per week, 30 percent reported having 4-7 drinks per week, and 30 percent reported having 8 or more drinks per week.

Men in the two groups with higher alcohol intakes had "significantly higher sperm concentration" than those who had 1-3 weekly drinks. 

Additionally, men who had 4-7 weekly drinks also had a "significantly higher median semen volume"—i.e. larger loads—than those who had 1-3 weekly drinks.

Bottoms up!! Time to start working on raising those sperm levels!

Pumping up my sperm count!

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