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Netflix Creates Binge-Watching Weed Strains

Orange Is the New Black celebration!

Called, "The Netflix Collection," the line is only available in Hollywood for people who have legal medical marijuana cards.

According to it's press release, the company says: "Each strain was cultivated with the specific shows in mind, designed to complement each title based on their tone. For example, sillier shows may be more indica dominant, while dramedies will be more sativa dominant to help the more powerful scenes resonate."

The show that inspired Netflix’s strain line is Disjointed, starring Kathy Bates. Three strains — the “Omega Strain,” “Eve’s Bush,” and “Rutherford B. Haze — were created for the show, a comedy about the pot biz.  

Other marijuana strains include, “Poussey Riot” to go with Orange is the New Black, “Camp Firewood” for Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later, and “Prickly Muffin” for Bojack Horseman.

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