So this idea didn’t work out for you and the family??
An Owensboro, Kentucky man is feeling the online pain today, complaining about how he was received when he and his 5-year-old son went to a Halloween event dressed as Nazis.
Bryant Goldbach took to social media to protest after he and his family attended the Trail of Treats in Owensboro Thursday night.
He posted a photograph of himself and his son in which he wore what looked like a Nazi officer’s uniform, and the boy wore a suit, swastika armband and Hitler-style mustache.
Goldbach’s quote as written:
“Tonight grown adults threatened a child over his costume. Threatened his mom and dad as well,” Goldbach wrote. “Threatened to rip his outfit off of him screaming obscenities, scareing (sic) a small child.”
Goldbach said he and his family “love history and often dress the part of historical figures.” The post's have been removed.
- Don Stuck
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