Don Stuck

Don Stuck

Don Stuck is a veteran radio/television personality and actor who can be heard seven days a week in Chicago and Indianapolis. Watch for Don as he...Full Bio


Man Who Dressed Child As Hitler Complains of Ill Treatment

So this idea didn’t work out for you and the family??

An Owensboro, Kentucky man is feeling the online pain today, complaining about how he was received when he and his 5-year-old son went to a Halloween event dressed as Nazis.

Bryant Goldbach took to social media to protest after he and his family attended the Trail of Treats in Owensboro Thursday night.

He posted a photograph of himself and his son in which he wore what looked like a Nazi officer’s uniform, and the boy wore a suit, swastika armband and Hitler-style mustache.

Goldbach’s quote as written:  

“Tonight grown adults threatened a child over his costume. Threatened his mom and dad as well,” Goldbach wrote. “Threatened to rip his outfit off of him screaming obscenities, scareing (sic) a small child.”

Goldbach said he and his family “love history and often dress the part of historical figures.” The post's have been removed. 


- Don Stuck   

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