Correct me if I’m wrong but, aren’t sheriffs elected? This next stunt just might alienate enough voters to bust a guy back down to deputy sheriff! Although, depending on your geographic location, you might be crowned king. Either way, to me, this is a very bad idea!
In the town of El Dorado, Ark. the Union County Sheriff’s Office has been putting Nike shirts on its inmates for mug shots to show his displeasure with the company's deal with Colin Kaepernick. This, according to a civil rights activist.
Below is a Twitter post from Wednesday showing 12 inmates wearing various Nike shirts. Including a caption, “putting Nike t-shirts on people they arrest and making them wear them during mugshots. Source says it is to mock Nike and Colin Kaepernick. Disgusting.”
As of the time of this post, the Union County Sheriff Ricky Roberts has not returned requests for comment.
Since it all went public, the Union County Sheriff's Office has taken down inmate photos from its online jail roster.
It sounds like there might be a lot more than 12 pictures in their photo gallery!
- Don Stuck