Don Stuck

Don Stuck

Don Stuck is a veteran radio/television personality and actor who can be heard seven days a week in Chicago and Indianapolis. Watch for Don as he...Full Bio


Worried Your Facebook Account Has Been Cloned?

So, have you gotten a lot new friend requests from people you are already friends with? So has everyone in America.  

You may have noticed a Facebook message from a friend or five the past several days saying odd things like, "how many friend requests are you going to send me since we are already FB friends?! You may want to check your account”.

Scammers can create a fake account with your image and name, but they cannot clone your account. Fake account scammers will use your friendship to try to scam money from you or your other social media friends, or both.    

Facebook spokespersons told WSYR the clone warning might be going viral out of fear by cautious users who share the message as requested. Myself, I SHARE NOTHING that has been sent to my FB inbox or messenger. Not once, not ever.  

If you see something weird going on with a friends account, you can report it to Facebook here Click here  

- Don Stuck


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