Don Stuck

Don Stuck

Don Stuck is a veteran radio/television personality and actor who can be heard seven days a week in Chicago and Indianapolis. Watch for Don as he...Full Bio


Indiana Mom Says Changing Tables Used By Drug Addicts

Apparently this is a thing now. A concerned mother from Shelbyville issues her own public service announcement about what’s happening on those changing tables meant for infants.        

Quote and photo credit from Jessica Wayman’s Facebook. Thank you Jessica.

PSA: Before putting your babies anywhere near these things, ALWAYS wipe them down first. Even if you are in a hurry, even if you have a blanket to lay down. See the black marks? Those are from burnt spoons. Addicts use these as tables while they shoot up. There could be residue from heroin/meth whatever, and other harmful bodily fluids. If someone doesn’t care about themselves, I can promise you, they aren’t thinking about your kids. Be cautious

- Don Stuck


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