Next Facebook will be banning photos of bananas! Lol
Well, if you haven’t figured out what the Facebook police are in an uproar about, here it is… it’s a picture of a puppy! Yes we do agree it is a very phallic looking puppy but a puppy none the less.
The problem for the puppy’s human daddy, 16 year old Dominic Ibaos, Facebook thinks the baby doggie picture does not meet “community standards.”
The proud owner only realized the rare Xoloitzcuintli dog, or Mexican hairless, could be mistaken for something else when the same photograph was banned from a local animal lovers groups.
Dominic, from Davao City in the Philippines, said: ‘It’s really hard for me to see the penis perspective because when I look at it I always just see the puppy.
More great photos at Metro News. Photos from @MetroUK
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