Normani wrote some heartfelt messages for Cardi B on social media about their collaboration on "Wild Side." The song has been getting some criticism online with fans saying that it should have been a solo song for Normani, but the artists are laying those claims to rest.
In several tweets, Normani made it clear that she wouldn't have wanted the song any other way. She wrote in one tweet responding to a comment that Cardi made, "Can't imagine this record without you. THAT'S THE TWEET."
In another, she wrote:
"I don’t think you guys understand how harddddd this woman has gone for me. you have been a champion for me throughout this whole process even when I was freaking out the night before releasing. God don’t play when it comes to His. we good sis."
Cardi B gave Normani northing but praises on Twitter in a recent video. She said:
"I fell in love with Normani. I fell in love and I fell in love with her situation. 'Cause I feel like she's such a talented person, she's really good. She's sweet in and out, you know. And I feel like, you know like, she's a little bit younger than me so I feel like I wanna like mentor her. And I been going so hard and I been pushing so hard because I feel like she should be a super top of the line priority."
Normani responded to the video, saying:
"I love you always and I’m sure I sound like a creep saying this. I really am forever grateful and couldn’t imagine coming outta hiding after two years with anyone else. Genuinely one of the sweetest human beings everrr. Thank you for being YOU."